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Time to spring into clean

It is finally here, the long awaited warm weather and we could not be gladder. In the last couple of weeks, the weather has been heating up on its way to spring. Now spring is officially here – the days are going to get lighter, brighter and more colourful with the changing of the seasons. Spring cleaning is the practice of thoroughly cleaning a house in the springtime.

To clean (a house) thoroughly: done traditionally at the end of the winter. It is common knowledge that this is “the designated time of year” when we dive into spring-cleaning. It is an opportunity to throw open the windows, let some fresh air in, and make our homes clean, happy and efficient spaces.

Spring cleaning is as good for your business as it is for your home. Spring cleaning checklists that divide the chores to be done over a period of time are quite helpful in tackling these chores. These checklists can be sourced from various websites over the internet. However, spring cleaning these days is a lot more than house cleaning. You are advised to spring clean your life, finances, relationships, amongst other things in different adverts from various institutions.

"Out of clutter, find simplicity.

From discord, find harmony.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"

- Albert Einstein

It is the perfect time to "de-clutter" all the ‘rooms’ in your world. Are there things in your cupboards gathering dust? Try throwing away old stuff. Our new range of retro-inspired dustbins would come in very handy to pack up your old rubbish. It is also the time you pull on the rubber gloves and get to scrubbing, dusting, washing, and polishing including parts you do not often clean. Rather than just tackling the usual areas, try hitting the spots you really should clean, but you never do. For any kind of heavy-duty cleaning, let machines do some of the work. Come check out our range of cleaners. The sparkly clean feeling afterwards makes it all worth it. You get to go on with the rest of the year feeling light & refreshed. Another good thing is that once the spring season starts, so does landscaping season. Those with green fingers can try looking up the early steps you can take to get a head start on your landscaping. Take a tour of the gardening department in MHC for all you will need.

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