If you are in the process of moving into your first place, you may already be shopping for home appliances. Unlike fridges, dishwashers or microwaves, washing machines offer two distinct choices. The front loader and top loader both have their strengths and are equally effective in washing your clothing.
Keep reading for more insight and help make the best purchase for your home and budget.
Top Loaders - What You Need To Know
Top loaders have a door on top of the appliance with a large tub below for you to place your clothes. In the middle of the tub, you can find an agitator, which is the element surrounded by your washing. On newer models, you may find an impeller in place instead, rotating discs at the bottom of the tub. As the machine works, the clothes rub against the agitator or over the impellers, which helps break down dirt and debris and gives you a clean load once complete.
Top loaders are a popular choice because they are much easier to load than their counterparts. Minimal effort is needed on your part without having to bend over. This is especially helpful when taking out wet clothes. Additionally, the biggest selling point of a top loader is that you can add more clothes after you have started a cycle compared to front loaders.
Front Loaders - What You Need To Know
Front loaders are quickly gaining traction in the washing machine market because they offer customers sleek-looking designs. As the name implies, the machine's door is in the front and can open in either direction, depending on the make. The drum inside is what holds clothing and, as it spins around, washes away dirt. You can choose a higher-speed cycle to remove excess water from your clothing, which will be useful when drying your laundry.
Although both machine types are effective in washing clothing, front loaders are more gentle on laundry because no agitator or impeller can damage the load. Front loading machines are also ideal for most built-in cupboards and modern kitchen units. If you are short on space, this model will give you more flexibility than a top loader.
Most well-known brands these days offer you both types because both fare so well in the demand market. But as a new homeowner, you may focus more on price than the model. And while that can play a significant role in your final decision, you should consider how each can benefit you in the long run. For example, depending on the make, your washing machine can make your cleaning routine easier or take more effort.
Deciding between each can seem overwhelming, but it comes down to your personal preferences and what you can afford. Top loaders tend to be slightly cheaper than front loaders, but there are other considerations to keep in mind. Space, water and electricity savings and the amount of laundry you usually wash are also important factors.
Once you are ready to shop for a washing machine, browse through our wide range here at MHC world online.